

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Axelrod: Paul Ryan Pick Meant to 'Thrill the Most Strident Voices'

Aug 12, 2012 11:03am

abc this week axelrod jt 120812 wblog David Axelrod: Paul Ryan Pick Meant to Thrill the Most Strident Voices in GOP


Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod said this morning on “This Week” that Mitt Romney picking Rep. Paul Ryan to join him on the GOP ticket for president was meant to “thrill the most strident voices” in the GOP and that it should “trouble” the middle class.

“He (Ryan) is a right-wing ideologue, the intellectual energy behind the Republican caucus there in Congress.  He constructed a budget that, like Romney, would lavish trillions of dollars of tax cuts, most of them on the wealthy, would raise the burden on the middle class, would cut back things deeply like student loans, and research and development, and things we need to grow the economy,” said Axelrod. “He is outside the mainstream, but he — this was a defining choice for Mitt Romney, and now it’s also a clarifying choice for the American people.”

Axelrod went on to say that both Romney and Ryan “do not believe” in Medicare and went after Ryan for his controversial budget plan that would cut federal spending

“He’s the guy who’s the architect of a plan to end Medicare as we know it and turn it into a voucher program and ship thousands of dollars of costs onto senior citizens.  He’s someone who was the architect of a Social Security privatization scheme that was so out there that even George Bush called it irresponsible, and he believes that we should ban abortion even in cases of rape and incest, “ said Axelrod.

Ryan is the author of the “Path to Prosperity” budget plan that would, among other things, significantly cut federal spending and reform Medicare, the government insurance program for the elderly. Being associated with Ryan’s budget could prove politically risky for Romney in election swing states like Florida that have a large number of elderly voters.

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