

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Gu Kailai guilty of murder, but dodges execution

Policemen keep watch outside the Intermediate People's Court in Hefei, Anhui province where Gu Kailai went on trial.
Policemen keep watch outside the Intermediate People's Court in Hefei, Anhui province where Gu Kailai went on trial.
  • NEW: A court sentences Gu Kailai to death, but commutes the sentence, a source says
  • NEW: Her household aide is also found guilty in the same case and gets 9 years
  • Gu is the wife of Bo Xilai, a recently disgraced Communist Party leader
  • She was tried in the fatal poisoning of British businessman Neil Heywood

(CNN) -- A Chinese court on Monday found Gu Kailai, the wife of a disgraced Communist Party leader, guilty of murder in the death of a British businessman last year, a family source said.

Gu was sentenced to death, though that sentence was commuted and she will not be executed, according to the source.

She and a former household aide were tried August 9 for allegedly poisoning 41-year-old Neil Heywood. Near the end of that day's court proceedings, she said according to state-run news agency Xinhua that she "accepted all the facts written in the indictment" -- including poisoning the Brit at a time when she thought her son's life was in danger.

At the time of Heywood's death last November, Gu's husband Bo Xilai was the head of the Communist party in the bustling southwestern city of Chongqing and an influential and controversial member of the Communist Party's politburo, the elite group of 25 men who run China. He is now awaiting his own fate after being stripped of his political office earlier this year due to an unspecified "serious breach of party regulations."

Gu's aide, Zhang Xiaojun, also was found guilty Monday in Heywood's death and sentenced to nine years in prison, the family source said.

Both verdicts were announced in front of the Hefei Intermediate People's Court, in the eastern China city where the trial occurred but about 1,250 kilometers (775 miles) east of the scene of the crime. The guilty verdicts were widely expected, as a U.S. State Department report noted -- citing the Chinese Supreme People's Court -- that Chinese prosecutors had a 99.9% conviction rate in 2010 in that nation's first and second levels of criminal courts.

Chinese authorities had previously said that Gu and her son had "conflicts" with Heywood "over economic interests" and that she was motivated to kill the Briton because of fears for the safety of her son, Bo Guagua. Bo declined to comment on his mother's confession or "any details pertaining to the case." However, the day before the trial he told CNN he'd submitted a witness statement to her defense team.

Murder trial at heart of Chinese political scandal

Prosecutors claimed Gu had invited Heywood to Chongqing -- the bustling southwestern China city where her husband Bo was then Communist Party chief -- from Beijing. The two drank alcohol and tea in a hotel room, after which the British businessman got drunk and began vomiting, a prosecutor said. When Heywood asked for water, Gu asked Zhang, who'd been waiting outside, to come into the room.

It was then that Gu got cyanide from Zhang and, after her aide carried Heywood to the bed, poured the poison into the Briton's mouth, according to the prosecutor.

Gu then scattered capsules containing narcotics on the floor to make it seem like Heywood was using drugs, the prosecution said. She put a "Do not disturb" sign on Heywood's hotel room door and told hotel staff not to bother him, a hotel employee said.

Speaking at the end of court proceedings, Gu referred to her worries about her son.

"During those days last November, I suffered a mental breakdown after learning my son was in jeopardy," Gu, 53, said then. "The tragedy, which was created by me, was not only extended to Neil, but also to several families."

Why the Gu trial is important

Her alleged co-conspirator, Zhang, likewise admitted to a part in the crime and said he wanted to say "sorry" to the victim's family.

"I hope the court can give me a chance to take a new lease on life," Zhang said in the court in the eastern city of Hefei, according to Xinhua. "I really know that I did wrong."

The verdict was announced as Gu's husband awaits his own fate after being stripped of his political office due to an unspecified "serious breach of party regulations."

Until last April, he was an influential and controversial member of the Communist Party's politburo, the elite group of 25 men who run China.

Bo, 63, had been widely expected to get into the Politburo's nine-member standing committee -- the country's supreme decision-making body -- later this year, when the Communist Party convenes for its once-in-a-decade leadership change.

In the sprawling riverside megalopolis of Chongqing, the charismatic and urbane politician Bo launched a "smash black, sing red" campaign that promoted Chinese communist culture as zealously as it cracked down on organized crime.

Timeline: Bo Xilai's fall from grace

His economic policies, which included millions spent on social housing -- garnered him rock star status in Chongqing -- a fact that did not go down well with other members of the party hierarchy. His populist policies and high-profile personal style were seen as a challenge to the economically liberal and reform-oriented faction within the Chinese Communist Party.

Bo's world eventually came crashing down earlier this year when Wang Lijun, his handpicked former police chief, tried to defect to the U.S. consulate in the neighboring Sichuan city of Chengdu, triggering a political crisis that rocked the leadership in Beijing.

Premier Wen Jiabao obliquely reprimanded Chongqing's leadership over the Wang incident during his annual press conference on March 14. Wen also referred to the damage wrought by the Cultural Revolution -- a reference that alluded to Bo's red revival in Chongqing -- and said that the city's stellar economic performance had been the fruits of several administrations and not just Bo's work alone.

The following day, Xinhua announced that Bo had been dismissed as Chongqing party chief and, almost a month later, he was suspended from the Communist party's Central Committee and its Politburo ahead of an investigation. He has not been seen in public since.

CNN's Steven Jiang contributed to this report.

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