

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Romney Selects Ryan To Be His Running Mate

Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan, a seven-term Republican from Janesville, Wis., to be the GOP's vice-presidential nominee, the campaign announced early Saturday morning.

As speculation mounted over Romney's pick Friday night, several top Republicans told ABC News that the presumptive GOP presidential nominee had picked Ryan, the House budget chairman, for his running mate.

Romney and Ryan are expected to campaign together in Virginia today, where Romney will announce his decision in person in front of the U.S.S. Wisconsin in Norfolk, Va. Romney will kick off a bus tour through the critical swing state at that event.

Early Saturday morning, the website went live, without any direct reference to Ryan on the site. In its announcement, the Romney campaign pitched Romney and Ryan as "America's Comeback Team."

As of an hour before the Norfolk rally, no signs or banners bearing Ryan's name or a Romney-Ryan logo were visible at the event site, ABC can confirm. A small crowd had lined up outside as early as 5:30 a.m., and event workers were still setting up with an hour to spare.

Ryan is a high risk, high reward pick for Romney. He is a wonky intellectual who has been the GOP's point man on finding ways to reduce the deficit.

Democrats have argued that his plans would alter Medicare for future generations. And Romney has not embraced every aspect of Paul Ryan's Medicare proposals.

Ryan has campaigned already with Romney and the two have an obvious rapport. But Romney has sold his candidacy as one that comes from outside Washington. Ryan has spent his entire professional life on Capitol Hill.

PHOTO: Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, left, is introduced by Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan at an election-night rally April 3, 2012 in Milwaukee, WI.

Scott Olson/Getty Images

Republican presidential candidate, Mitt... View Full Size
PHOTO: Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, left, is introduced by Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan at an election-night rally April 3, 2012 in Milwaukee, WI.
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Read More About the Risk and Reward for Romney in Selecting Paul Ryan

For months, Ryan has danced around the running mate question, refusing to comment on the vetting process and insisting that his focus is on his responsibilities in the House of Representatives.

"I am not going to answer that question because it doesn't do the Romney campaign any favors to speculate in this area," Ryan told CBS's "Face the Nation" July 15. "I just don't want to comment on it because I just don't think it's helpful to their campaign process."

Ryan appeared publicly alongside Romney most recently at an event in Janesville June 18. He attended a Romney fundraising weekend retreat in Utah last month and stumped on Romney's behalf most recently in Normal, Illinois on July 13.

"What I see in Mitt Romney are the kinds of skills, tools, character attributes that you need in a leader! He makes decisions. He doesn't pander," Ryan said at the Reagan Library in May. "He is going to beat Barack Obama and I think that we are going to save this country."

Ryan's a popular pick inside the Republican Party, where he's often praised as an ideas man after drafting the GOP's budget known as the Path to Prosperity, which overhauls entitlements and cuts spending in an effort to reduce the deficit.

But across the aisle, Democrats have been sizing up Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget committee, as an easy target for his controversial ideas to address the deficit.

Still, Ryan has not shied away from his budget blueprint. He recently told George Stephanopoulos that the election will turn on the economy and health care.

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