

Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

University of Nebraska Security Hacker Still On The Loose

Investigators are still cross checking the suspects computers with the university's security system.


Lincoln, NE -- University of Nebraska Police haven't made an arrest in the massive security breach in the University of Nebraska system that happened in May.  Investigators are still cross checking the suspects computers with the university's system.  As thousand of student's return to the UNL campus,  Joshua Mauk works to make sure their critical information isn't again stolen.

600,000 past and present student's received an email last spring warning them their sensitive information could be at risk.  Incoming freshman Hannah Rice heard about the breach, but isn't worried. "I figure since it previously happened they're working on upping security measures," said Rice.

Joshua Mauk and his team of security information experts are.  Mauk said an external company has been hired to do a review of how the breach occurred and any areas of where we can improve the security program.    Mauk and his team have identified five areas that may need to be changed, but won't say what those are for security reasons.  "I think this event will help us to reinforce or continue to focus on security both for across the campuses and how we manage our central system," he said.

Mauk explained the suspect knew the university's security system well and had been a student.
University of Nebraska Chief of Police Owen Yardley said the investigation's on-going.  Chief Owen is working with the FBI and local prosecutors to build a case and hopes to make an arrest by October.

For returning students, it's welcomed news -believing their information will be safer this school year.  Michael Harper said, "I can feel rest assured that the university doesn't want it's image tarnished so they'll do what they can to make sure the problem's okay."

Mauk said the breach will help reinforce any holes in the security system. A security recommendation is expected to go before the University of Nebraska Board of Regents in the coming months.

Reported By: Liz Dorland,

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