

Minggu, 02 September 2012

White House release Barack Obama's beer recipes

Bowing to growing pressure from thirsty and curious Americans, the White House released the recipes for President Barack Obama's homemade beers, revealing the executive branch's penchant for honey-flavored brews.

According to a blog post entitled "Ale to the Chief," the key ingredient for the White House Honey Brown Ale and the White House Honey Porter, though, may be tough to come by - the honey is straight from the White House's first-ever beehive.

The commander-in-chief bought a home brewing kit last year and, according to media reports, has served the beer at St. Patrick's Day and Super Bowl celebrations. Mr Obama is now part of a growing movement - 28,835 people currently belong to the American Homebrewers Association.

Although George Washington brewed beer at his Mount Vernon home, there's "no evidence that any beer or liquor has been brewed in the White House," White House Assistant Chef and Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives Sam Kass said.

The recipes were released as the President headed to campaign in Colorado, a swing state that is embracing small, independent beer producers. The birthplace of Coors beer currently has the third highest number of craft breweries in the country, behind only California and Washington, according to the web magazine Atlantic Cities.

Last month, Mr Obama told a man in Iowa that his campaign bus was stocked with White House beers, and even shared a sample. Curiosity came to a head in the last few weeks as recipe requests poured onto the White House's online petition site known as "We the People."

The President's opponent in the November election, Mitt Romney, belongs to the Mormon faith, which shuns alcohol. But the Republican Party could still tap voter interest - its vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan hails from Wisconsin, a major beer-making state, and he also has professed affection for micro-brews.

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